domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011
sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011
Alguma vez ja penso em desistir de tudo ? o que te fez mudar de ideia ? /moderadora1
Já sim, o que me fez mudar é o amor e a vontade de fazer a coisa
Assim como eu espera anciosamente pelas férias de dezembro ? /moderadora1
Não muito, porque as férias as vezes são uma droga rsrsrs
quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011
Se acha bonito (a)? Quando se olha no espelho você se acha parecida com quem? #daahfreitas
Me acho bonito sim rsrsrs/ bem com ninguem, porque sou único rsrs
terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011
Receita: Não se apegue, não se iluda. Modo de fazer: Eu ainda não aprendi. Concorda??
concordo, por mais q agente colocar na cabeça em não s iludir, mais agente não aprende
Em quantas pessoas vc confia pra valer? Se vc confia em mais de uma, sorte a sua! Hoje tá dificil poder confiar cegamente nas pessoas! Concorda?
concordo plenamente, maldito o homem q se confia ao homem dz a biblia
A verdade dói, mas não mata. A mentira agrada, mas não cura. Concorda?
Não propriamente, porque as vezes nem toda verdade merece ser dita
Complete:Quando eu era criança eu acreditava em __________________. /Moderadora 2
Papai noel, não quer dizer q eu acreditava rsrs
O que mais assistem na TV ? se assistem *-* /Mod3
Eu assisto mais é a filmes, seriados, programas e novelas
quando vc sente frio de madrugada, levanta e pega um cobertor ou se encolhe e fica com frio mesmo? #Eduardo
Só me levanto e busco cobertor, queando o frio e de mais
Como se sentiria se seu melhor amigo se declarasse para você?
Seria esquisito e incomodo, mas esclareceria bem as coisas e deixava tudo claro
segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011
última pessoa que conheceu virtualmente? /Waaaly *-*
Debora Costa, adorei conhece-la e sou fã dela :D
qual seria sua reação se te roubassem um beijo?
Normal, afinal todas me querem kkkk (convencido)rsrsrs
doces ou travessuras? :D Halloween chegando e aproveitando o tema, qual foi a maior travessura da sua vida?
Sou rapaz bem quietinho :D
Colocam crédito assim que acaba ou são iguais a mim, coloco quando minha mãe me enche o saco ;b ? /Mod3
ahahaha, eu não sou assim não :D
domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011
Se você tivesse que escolher entre: sempre ter que dizer absolutamente tudo que passa pela sua cabeça ou nunca mais poder falar nada , o que escolheria ?
Prefiro diizer tudo q se passa na mente... estar privado de alguma coisa sempre acaba incomodando neh!! :)
"E viveram felizes para sempre" ou "Que seja eterno enquanto dure" ?
E viveram feliizes para sempre - Porque ja é marcado como algo eterno até a morte já "que seja eterno enquanto dure" tudo um dia pode acabar e o eterno deixa de ser :)
Nós devemos sempre pensar nas piores possibilidades, para estarmos preparados para tudo e para que a frustração seja menor. Isso é verdade ?
Não, agente deve confar nossa vida em Deus, ele quem guia e tudo q vier, sempre haverá uma solução...
você se considera uma pessoa : carinhosa ? amorosa ? gentil ? compreensiva ? caridosa ? vulgar ? estúpida ? ganaciosa ? vingativa ? feliz ? triste ? - Tay .
Carinhoso, compreensivo, caridoso, gentil, :)
qual é a música que mais está escutando ultimamente ? -Tay .
Várias, principais as de Lady gaga, Demi lovato, Kelly Clarkson, luan santana, Michel Teló, maria gadu, Joe Jonas
cantada : Gata, sua mãe tem Photoshop no útero? Porque você é muito linda! (meninos , já usaram essa ? usam esses tipos de cantadas ? )
Eu não uso...é uma cantada digamos ,sem classe, sem estilo, basica de maiis, a rapariga é capaz de nem olhar pra vc, ou se olhar vai ser para te escurraçar
Se pudesse ser um animal qual seria ? qual não seria ? e por que ? *o*
acho seria um pássaro, porque eles são livres e voam para onde quiserem...não seria um rato, nem um porco rssrs, porque rato viiive fugindo se escondendo em buracos e o porco é nojento :)
Quem quiser que eu pare de mandar pergunta é só avisar , ok ?
Pode mandar, estou adorando responder :D
quando vê uma injustiça sendo cometida por outra pessoa, mas para resolver a situação, você tem que cometer uma outra injustiça.. o que faria?
Dificil!!! bem, vcs são bons de pergunta... acho q não faria, porque uma injustiça é sempre injustiça,.. procuraria uotro meio qualquer
na sala de aula, você é mais quetinha (o), ou a(o) mais bagunçeiro(a) ? (quem naão estuda ignora :)
o mais quietinho, bm mais quietinho rsrs
acho que enche muito saco de vocês com essas perguntas =P kkkk'
Não imagina!!! :D estou adorando sério vcs são demais
qual é o apelido que as pessoas te dão que você mais gosta ? e o que mas odeia ? - Tay .
Bem em casa me chamam de Yulou rsrs e eu gosto.... que detesto ainda não tem
que tipo de pergunta gostariam de receber ? Imbox , por favor . - tay .
Qualquer tipo, qualquer coisa, respondo a todo tipo de perguntas, pode mandar q eu respondo ;D
|∞ Singleask ∞| ~ assistindo o futebol feminino no momento ?
Infelismente não, estou no meu quarto, respondendo vcs e escrevendo
estão assistindo e torcendo para as meninas do Futebol Brasileiro agora ? *o*
infelismente não, estou no meu quarto escrevendo e respondendo vossas perguntas muito boas e difiiceis por sinal
|∞ Singleask ∞| ~ Quantas redes sociais voce tem ? as senhas são todas iguais ?
Tenho por volta de 4 ou 5 ou até mais.... e as senhas são na maioria iguais sim, para não esquecer rsrs
O que acha sobre Bullying ?
Algo reprovavel que devia ser mais debatido... coisa de pessoas sem noção mesmo
Namoraria o Luan Santana ? (( meninas )) ou Namoraria a Renata Fan ? (( meninos ))
Depende, se eu a conhecesse melhor rsrsrs
sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011
Se você pudesse ter um encontro com qualquer celebridade, com qual seria?
Tem vários mas, escolhendo 1 deles, escolheria o escritor João Emanuel Carneiro, sou um grande adimirador de seu trabalho
sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011
What's the best present someone could give you right now?
Give a chance to make a book (Model book, and writter book)
Tem algo que vc se arrependeu de nao ter corrido atras?
Ate agora não, tenho corrido sempre atraz de meus sonhos e objetivos
se você tivesse que escolher entre seu melhor amigo (a) ou seu namorado (a) , qual seria ?
Diificil :D, bem vamos ver... Acho que seria a namorada,
quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011
Check out my new profile photo and respond!
Muito linda, sem exagero parece uma modelo fotográfica, assério...
terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011
Você tem alguma cicatriz? Se tem, como foi adquirida?
Tenho uma no pulso, fz quando eu era bebe rsrs, com o ferro de passar roupa
Qual celebridade representaria você em um filme sobre a sua vida?
Joe Jonas banhado em chocolate hahahaha
Com quem e quando foi o seu primeiro beijo?
EEEEH essa eu não me lembro..... fo a tanto tempo, cosinhas de crianças, sem planos sem saber o que estava fazendo...
Se você pudesse voltar 10 anos no tempo e dizer alguma coisa a você mais jovem, o que seria?
Aprenda a Jogar futebol hahhah
Que música você está escutando hoje?
Mr. Know it All - Kelly Clarkson, Lady gaga- Born this way, Demi lovato - Skycraper e muito maiis
Qual é o tempo máximo que já ficou sem tomar banho?
pra falar a verdade o máximo foi 1 dia, mas gente não recomendo :D
Se você pudesse estar na capa de qualquer revista, qual delas escolheria?
Todas relacionadas a moda e a gente famosa
Qual é o programa de televisão que você tiraria do ar para sempre?
Novelas mexicanas produzidas nos EUA pela venevizion
Se você pudesse fazer uma pergunta a George W. Bush, qual seria?
Não sei, acho que não falaria com ele hshshshs
Com quem e quando foi o seu primeiro beijo?
Segredo!!! rsrsrs
Talvez com uma colega de escola ou uma vizinha não me lembro ao certo, não me lembro porque não foi assim planejado ou esperado....
sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011
quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011
sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011
Why, it hurts so much?

When will this pain stop?
I wanted to love, but I was deprived
I wanted to feel but I changed
Has committed a sin?
Or am I doomed?
Why, it hurts so much?
By blindly believe in love?
Or give me without shame?
Questions that are within me ...
Forgive me drown my sorrows
But I had to vent ....
The love that I had to give
Today went to the garbage
Porquê Doi Tanto
Onde está o meu amor?
Quando irá parar esta dor?
Queria amar, mas fui privado
Queria sentir mas fui trocado
Será que cometi um pecado?
Ou estarei condenado?
Porquê doi tanto?
Por acreditar cegamente no amor?
Ou por me entregar sem pudor?
Perguntas que ficam no meu interior...
Me perdoe minhas magoas aforgar
Mas tinha de desabafar....
O Amor que eu tinha para dar
Hoje ao lixo foi parar
sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011
Throughout my life

Throughout my life, I'll talk
It is with you, I want to stay
Without fear of failure
Learning to make mistakes and overcome
And scream to the world
What are you, who I love
For what justification?
If you do not withdraw my eyes from you?
Your kisses make me float
Put my heart pounding
My breathing speed
With regret, I will call your name
With desire, I will kiss your mouth
And never, will stop crying
Throughout my life I will love you
quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011
2 Brothers (chap.3)

_ You've been stalking me now? It is not enough, what you made me? Asks Victor. _ You are who do not lose the opportunity to meddle in my life, and the people I love. _Are you crazy? You need treatment, yes. _Stay away from her face I'm warning you. Siril says in a threatening tone._ What if I do not want? What will you do?Alicia did not understand what was going on and gets into the fray demanding an explanation._ Do not pay attention, Alicia, this guy is a deranged madman, who is jealous of everything I do. _I'm not imbalanced! You being a fake, and hides behind that mask of good guy. But one day, listen well, one day your mask will fall. You thief. _I did not admit, hear me. What now? Are you afraid of the truth?_You know very well that this is not true it's all just a figment of your mind crazy and jealous.
The fight starts to get very ugly, and they almost caught a punch on the beach, but Alicia had enough of the situation arises in the middle of the two and decides to stop it, it definitely calls for a logical explanation for so much hatred and resentment. They start talking at the same time and do not understand anything, once again she sends them to be quiet, they looked like two boys, but for them it was more than a simple contest for the love of a young man.
Victor's cell phone rings at that very moment, and he had to go meet, it was Kelly again, she was leaving the photo shoot and wanted to spend in the mansion of Victor, to see him with the opportunity to present himself as his girlfriend at a time Mr. Gregory Villa Real. Victor did not want in any way, that their affair was discovered, so he decides to stop her from going there. He decides to go get it where I was, begging her not move, and promises to have lunch with her. He even had to go, if not, their hopes were ended with Alicia siril of time and would be an advantage. He came to mind to solve an urgent problem and leaves, but promises to give Alicia the explanation that she wanted.
Alicia tries through siril know what happened, but the boy did not want to talk about Victor, and invites her to lunch together, she did not want to accept, but the young man so insistent, and she ends up accepting the invitation.
Victor takes Kelly, she had had enough of waiting, and takes her to an expensive restaurant as she likes, she was talking and talking, but as she spoke, Victor could not stop thinking about Alicia and siril "I bet that unbalanced already speaking ill of me for Alicia, because he was up? Where did he meet her? Did they ever were friends before I met her? But as she does not realize that siril is just a deranged mind?Sure, the freaks are like that ... "
Soon as he finishes his questions within himself, enters the same restaurant siril and Alicia, both smiling.
TeenAge Love Story (4)
He asks for his girlfriend, hoping she would start screaming and offends him, send him away, but no, nothing like that happened. Ashley did not want to bother anymore, what had happened earlier with Karl affected her so that she paid no attention to the presence of Kelvin, just let him in without complications.
Kelvin tried irritates it anyway, but nothing resulted, the animal did not react and did not respond to his provocations, this was worrying, it was not normal.
"She never lost an opportunity to offend and fight me, but now she did not want to answer me? This is very strange, or she is ill or his twin sister, "Kelvin thought.
He starts getting worried, and looked closely, he notices that she was really killed, seemed to have cried rivers of tears, he dares to ask:
_What do you have? You seem, beaten, did something happen?
Ashley did not want to answer, and the repair, she notices the flowers in his hands, and her eyes fill with tears. Basically she wanted to have someone like Kelvin, who remembers to offer the person who loves flowers, kind gestures that demonstrates the affection and love for the person who has loved, but she had that in a virtual way, and this in a consolation way, knowing that every night he had someone who cared about her, who treated her with affection and attention, he ordered roses, but then discovers that it was all a farce, was being deceived, and she feels an inexplicable jealousy is the cousin remembering everything that happened, so she does not stand up and delivery points, she bursts into tears in front of Kelvin. The sensitive boy could not see her in that state is even more worried and she impulsively hugs him tight, Kelvin did not understand anything, but decides to return the hug, and squeeze gently but very strong at the same time without choking, she felt It is so cozy in the boy's arms, those hands made her feel protected, supported and loved at the same time, it suddenly feels an inexplicable peace of mind, a safety.
Meanwhile at the home of Karl, Tiffany told him about the plan, she had the brilliant idea to enter them in the draft Kelvin, so kept an eye on Karl liked the idea, thought it was so perfect:
_This is genius, just perfect!
_I am a genius ... I dear not say it was a good idea?
_Of course, that the two agents watched every moment, every step of controlling them.
_Well, I've come so far now to see my cousin get my Kelvin.
_Not now I want it to fall in love with this jerk, before that I ended up with him.
_Oh, calm down there, ta, take it easy, nobody touches my Kelvin ta ...
"Of course, with me in this project I would know everything that asshole have in mind, so I know how to end his dreams of a time and make it be expelled from school, nothing more perfect than that, great Tiffany I'll still need you very much. Kelvin gets ready because I'll kill you, Agent has many accounts for hitting. "
Ashley at home, she realizes what he was doing, suddenly pushes Kelvin and expelled from his home, Kelvin definitely do not understand anything "that she is my God? this girl definitely is not right. "
_ You're a bad character like the others ....
_What did I do now?
_Out of my home now, outside ...
_You are not good, what happened?
_It is not out of your account now!
_Let me help you, go, you're not right ...
_ I have said, you have nothing to do with it ....You're worse than the other, as you can take me and my cousin's boyfriend?
_ What? Are you crazy? I grabbed? It was you who was holding me out of nowhere, burst into tears ....
_Arrive, go now, I say ....
Kelvin did not want to discuss, he realizes she was not well, and it makes him worried, he will, but it will concern, and a back door he builds it, and recalls the girl's face, she looked so fragile at the time, innocent, vulnerable, had nothing of that girl he met, hysterical, wrapped, happy and they're always talking about fighting with everybody, now he just met the softer side of Ashley and would not leave his head in despair that embrace from someone who needed support, someone desolate, forlorn, that needed to be protected and supported, Kelvin decides not to give up to help her, because I'd never seen him like this.
Ashley desolate bursts into tears, she regretted everything that happened in your life, and not wanting in his mind kept repeating the moment arms of Kelvin pressed strong, giving sense of shelter, warmth, she felt the 1st time in really loved life, but no, she wanted to remember, because he was the boyfriend of her cousin, and it made her feel the worst in people, and links to running her friend because she needed to talk urgently.
In Karl's house, they continued planning and definitively separate Kelvin Ashley, they planned to enter the project, the next day.
Kelvin in his house in his room, throws himself on the bed and keep thinking weakened in the face of Ashley, and wondered why he thought so fragile in the face of it.
"That face that was full of pain, eyes full of hurt, who knows why, but just know that I'm not out of thought." He thought.
Ashley tells Paola Porto Seguro is about Karl, and that was the biggest disappointment of his life.
_I can not believe it! I'm perplexed, Karl was the safe haven during this time? But how?
_For you see. All my dreams were dashed. AI, friend, do not know what to say, but that Karl huh!
_But remember that Tiffany told me and made me think.
_What did she say?
_To Karl she may have done this only to redeem himself than me, you know, trying to impress me, and the only way he thought was to create this character.
_ It makes sense too, and if even that?
_I do not know what to think, I'm confused.
_But of all the forms you need to talk. To clarify all this.
_It is, I know, I do this on Monday.
They are talking and the joy of Paola and play it a little distracted and forgets everything.
On the day of class, Kelvin Ashley sees coming and will soon have her, she left early from home to enjoy a stroll to the beach. Kelvin gets worried about what happened the other day, but she did not want to talk and that makes him believe that she's better today. He wanted to talk about the project needed to move forward with things, when suddenly the conversation is interrupted by Karl.
_ What do you want man! Kelvin says annoyed with his presence
_Take easy, today I come in peace mission.
_ Tell me what you want! Ashley says quite & cold.
_ Well I was thinking and ...
_Go straight to the point ...
_All right ... I want to be part of the project
_How is it?